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Old October 19, 2009, 03:37 PM   #41
Senior Member
Join Date: October 9, 2009
Location: Orygun USA
Posts: 184
Wow. Reading all these makes me really thankful that I live where I do. I live in a tiny town in rural OR. In the 33 years that I've been here we've had about 3 murders, a handful of rapes, and the VERY occational burglery. The only gunfire I ever hear (other than when I'm shooting) is from the hills around town during deer or elk season.

I'm not naive enough, though, to think that bad stuff will never happen. I have a CC license and carry most of the time (not usually inside my house though). I also have a pump 12ga. mounted in a place where I can get it quick if I were ever to need it. My wife isn't a shooter and doesn't really like guns, but I've taken her out to my shooting spot and made her fam fire my guns so she at least knows what they feel like.

I'm new to TFL but am really enjoying it and am learning a lot from all you folks.

Last edited by cycleguru; October 19, 2009 at 03:39 PM. Reason: misspelled words
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