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Old December 24, 2007, 01:42 AM   #6
Senior Member
Join Date: November 6, 2002
Posts: 263
Just curious, what is it that happened around 2000 that you can point to that shows these changes started happening then?
I see that the direction that the training industry is headed is directly related to concepts brought forward by 7677 in 2000-2001. When he first started talking about these concepts no one was doing it or teaching it. Now numerous instructors are doing and teaching it.....and more are joining every day.

Um, no, I don't understand this from the claims you are making. You say it is so, but haven't provided any documentation to support this premise.
You need to take some professionally run FOF. There is plenty of documentation but that is nothing compared to actually experiencing it yourself in FOF.

This comment seems to be in conflict with
That would be your opinion due to lack of knowledge of what I speak.

The fact that more things are being taught means that the training is actually more complex, not simpler. Said training may be easier to perform because of the quality of instruction, yet remain being more complex.
Once again an opinion based on lack of knowledge of what I teach. Fluid concepts will always be simpler than a mish-mash of disjointed techniques. If you do not own fluid concepts then you would be speaking from a position of not knowing what you do not know. You would actually need to have an understanding of both types of training to make an informed decision.....and obviously you do not.

Last edited by Sweatnbullets; December 24, 2007 at 02:40 AM.
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