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Old January 11, 2006, 09:25 PM   #55
Join Date: July 10, 2005
Posts: 58
The thing that bothers me is that the officer inititated a search for drugs and died over some marijuana. Is this really a correct priority for society such that it causes the loss of a good man?
You can not judge the outcome of this tragic event by what we know after the fact. Remember Coates did not know what he was going to find, that is why he went beyond the traffic stop. The possibility is endless on what he could have found. Troopers all over our county are arresting more and more felons all because they chose to go beyond the traffic stop. Drugs are what were present in the bad guy’s car but it could have been anything. Let us remember that drugs lead to many things evil, murders, robberies and endless thefts. The profit of drug sales supports these activities and also terrorism. So as far as I am concerned the priorities of drug/criminal interdictors like Coates are right on. I sleep better at night knowing that Police Officers like Coates are out there, every night, every day..
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