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Old December 25, 2005, 11:55 PM   #8
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Join Date: September 8, 2005
Location: Tampa,FL
Posts: 133
What's the harm on a sing or word ? Maybe some people needs to analize that.
A word or sign is just that (word,sign) it depends of who looks or reads them and how interpreted.
Example (please this is just an example):
A prissy mom telling their child not to watch TV because the seen shows a shooting and is bad for the child. Is this truly bad for the child to see this ? It all depends on the kind of person that is watching, right?

When the President WB made the famous sign with his finger I bet many people thought it was cute but if I was caught doing the same in public I could end up being arrested, correct?
To me it was just a finger sign and nothing more, everyone does it anyways at one point or another. Just a natural reaction.
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