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Old October 28, 2005, 09:03 PM   #29
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I hope to convey that I have compassion for what your dad went through after having to kill a criminal.

The thing, for me, is that he killed a criminal. It's not as though his attention wavered while driving and he struck a kid in an intersection or something. The life he took was FAR from innocent -- you said that the criminal had shot at your dad!

Granted, I have never had to do it, so it's all conjecture at this point... but... I would like to believe that the choice that a criminal makes that [i]gets him[//i] shot by me is not going to cause me to live in despair and grief. I would like to think I could forget him like he was some deer I hit on the highway because it put itself in my way. I am far less likely to have compassion or sympathy for someone who made a choice -- a criminal one -- that caused him to forfeit his life to a good-doer.

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