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Old June 4, 2005, 05:56 PM   #14
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Join Date: November 25, 2004
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For what it's worth...I think allot of analysis paralysis comes mostly from enviroment. people that are ready to slap leather at the slightest provocation used to bother me some, until I understood the kind of areas that they were living in.

Living close to gangbangers, weirdo's, and others who's only goal in life is a PHD in murder, rape, robbery, and mayhem, would keep me on my toes allot more than my current enviroment requires...

Old farts like me probably do employ the KISS formula more because we are tired, and would rather live the rest of our lives to the fullest. So while I don't watch American Idol, I do sit down almost every night to watch the Boston Red Sox. For me that sure as hell beats a discussion about cartridges with a group of gunnuts, myself included, of course!!!

So if the BG gets me when I'm not looking, because Big Poppy, or Manny just hit one out...Well, we all have to die of something, sometime...
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