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Old December 19, 2010, 02:43 PM   #8
Junior member
Join Date: January 27, 2008
Posts: 970
The way to pattern a shotgun is get some butcher paper at least 40" by 40" and hang that up 40 yards away. Shoot at the center of the paper and use a string and pencil (use a 15" string attached to the near tip of the pencil) to encircle inside the 30" diameter circle the densest portion of the shot pellets.

See how close the center of the circle is to your point of aim to assess the aim of the shotgun.

Then count the pellets inside the circle and make that a numerator over the denominator (denominator equals total number of pellets fired in the shell) to see what percentage the 40 yard pattern is.

Chokes are supposed to give percentages of shot inside the circle compared to the entire load that represent Modified, Improved Modified, and Full (etc).

If memory serves me correctly, full choke is a 70% pattern--but better look that up to be sure where they all are supposed to be.
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